
Monday, November 18, 2013

SharePoint Timer Service terminated with service every 1-2 minutes

I got this error in the event view every minutes or so. I don't know what cause it. I check Job History in central admin and found that not of the job is working. I see following error that i think it might be relate

SPTimerStore.InitializeTimer: SPConfigurationDatabase.RefreshCache returned SPConstants.InvalidRowVersion

The timer service could not initialize its configuration, please check the configuraiton database. will retry later

After googling and decided to try to clear the Configuration Cache, I found out that my cache folder is missing. I decided to recreate the cache folder.

1) Open regedit
2) HKLM->Software->Microsoft->Shared Tools->Web Server Extensions->15.0->Secure->ConfigDB
and look for Id which is a GUID
3) Go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config create a folder name from guid step 2
4) create a file call Cache.ini, edit and put 1 on the file
5) restart iis and timer service

Now my job is running again. Hope it help someone have same issue.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Change Azure VM Instance Size Powershell

1) download and install Azure Powershell

2) Export your window azure profile and rename to something you like ex: 'c:\myazureprofile.publishsettings'

3) Import the setting

Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile 'c:\myazureprofile.publishsettings'

4) Run command in powershell to get current VM you have in asure, this will give you ServiceName, Name and Status 


5) Change VM Size, $cloudSvcName, $vmname are from step 4. $NewSize value = ExtraSmall, Small, Medium...

Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $cloudSvcName -Name $vmname | Set-AzureVMSize $NewSize | Update-AzureVM

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

JSLink listview webpart not working

I create a field render using JSLink. It work fine on the list ,but when i create a new page add a listview web parts. It not working. It turn out that i have to turn off Server-Side Rendering.